Forgiveness: Key To Wellness
Practices For The Transformational Journey
The golden key to any forgiveness practice is our heartfelt sincerity. There are no magic words or fairy gold dust that will erase the wounds of life. The freedom we seek is not in any special language, but rather in our hearts—an earnest out pouring of our genuine desire to liberate ourselves from suffering, and as a result, release the ties that bind us to old, deep seated patterns.
In the beginning it may be quite challenging to forgive those who have hurt, harmed or taken advantage of you. And yet the sweetness of finding freedom from being held hostage to the tyranny of your old memories, assaults and violations is often motivation enough to make the effort—with steadfast perseverance, layer by layer—until you finally feel a new found inner peace and joy.
Even, if at first, you are only able to mechanically do the forgiveness practices that follow, as you keep making an effort, you will gradually find your heart opening up, until you finally reach a place where you willingly and lovingly offer your forgiveness to those who have hurt you and to those you have hurt.
Daily Forgiveness Practice #1
The following Forgiveness Practice is based on the practices offered in, “Greatest Forgiveness,” by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha. Please refer to this easy to read book for more in-depth forgiveness practices.
Say the following, either silently or out loud:
Dear all those souls I have ever harmed in this lifetime and all lifetimes.
I deeply apologize to you.
Please forgive me for all the mistakes I have made.
Dear all those souls that have ever harmed me in this lifetime and all lifetimes.
I unconditionally forgive you.
You owe me nothing.
Now, continuously chant for several minutes:
I forgive you unconditionally.
You forgive me unconditionally.
Bring love, peace and harmony.
Daily Forgiveness Practice #2
I unconditionally forgive myself for any wrong thoughts, speech or actions that have caused me or anyone else any harm.
I unconditionally love and accept myself.
I now open my soul, heart, mind and body to receive my true inheritance.
I am free, I am free, I am free.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
To get the best results, do each of these Forgiveness Practices for a few minutes (or longer, if time permits) each morning after awakening and before going to bed.
Note: If you are unfamiliar with the concept of karma and reincarnation, you may be interested in reading Prelude, a well-researched, thought provoking page-turner that will entertain and enlighten you to the schools of thought challenging the ‘myth’ that death is the final chapter of life. More truth than fiction, Prelude is an important read for anyone interested in the spiritual laws that are the underpinning of our life’s journey.
Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D., has been a teacher, therapist and student of many classical therapeutic models and spiritual traditions for over forty-five years and has relentlessly pursued the most effective teaching and treatment methods to restore optimum wellbeing. In addition to being trained as a traditional Doctor of Psychology, she has extensive and advanced training in energy medicine methods and treatment systems. These include over thirty years of experience with the Transformation Lessons—a pioneering method of movement communication that activates and deepens special abilities inherent to the human-spiritual template, radiesthesia (remote/distance conveyances), meridian therapies (Emotional Freedom Technique) and kinesiology, as well as epigenetics and psychoneuroimunology (the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body).